MassEdCO (Massachusetts Education and Career Opportunities) is the Commonwealth's largest provider of free, community-based education and career advising services, meeting with about 12,000 people per year.
Are you interested in a vocational program, but don't know what's available?
Are you interested in going to a 2-year community college, but aren't sure how to move forward?
Are you interested in a 4-year university program but don't know if you can make that happen?
Part of MassEdCo's mission is to work with low-income people, first generation Americans, and marginalized youth and adults, to help them learn about area opportunities and make good decisions about educational and job training programs.
In addition, they help people learn about available financial resources that can assist with fulfilling your goals.
You are encouraged to explore the MassEdCo WEBSITE. It provides detailed, helpful information about what they do and how you can set up an appointment to talk with an advisor.
Boston area Career and Education Planning Center (talk with someone directly by phone or email, set up an appointment)
LOCATION & HOURS in Boston: Boston Public Library / Copley (700 Boylston Street, Boston, 02116)
Monday 9:00AM - 5:00PM (in-person, closed for lunch 12-1pm)
Tuesday 9:00AM - 5:00PM (in-person, closed for lunch 12-1pm)
Wednesday 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Thursday 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday 9:00AM - 5:00PM (in-person available from 9-3pm, walk-in hours 9-11am)
NOTE: MassEdCO has several other locations. For the full list, click HERE. Then, click on a Center location and you will get that Center's address, hours, and contact information.
If you don't see your location listed, enter your zip code to search for the Center nearest you.
* All clients who want assistance need to complete an intake form. If you are ready to do that, click HERE.
* If you'd like to make an appointment online, please click this link to Calendly.
For more information, you are welcome to contact Carmen Pineda, the Senior Education Advisor. Her email is cpineda@massedco.org
* You can also use MassEdCO's main email address: BostonECPC@massedco.org or call 617-536-0200